Neilston C.C. – curling in January and February

Good afternoon. The Pairs competition was won last night by James R. and Ewen who were too good (on the night) for Andy C. and Brian. However, Brian did not come away empty handed, as he won Johnnie’s £1 with his final draw which almost covered the button. Congratulations to these prize winners.

The Greenacres Salver league does not start until Wednesday 8th February, but we have other competitions before and after this date to keep you curling happily. These are :-

Doubles competition – 2 sheets on Monday 23rd January at 8.30pm and 1 sheet for the finals on Wednesday 25th January at 8.30pm.

Please let me know if you would like to play next week. So far 10 have confirmed to date. We could do with some more. I think that I am waiting to hear from 5 of you.

Points competition – 2 sheets on Wednesday 1st February at 8.30pm

We will be playing a 2-person team competition as well as the usual individual’s game, in order to encourage members to play.  To assist the committee in drawing the teams and arranging this event please let me know if you are unable to play. If I don’t hear from you, we will take it that you are willing to participate in this new variation of our Points competition. So far only four members have advised me that they are unable to play on the 1st ,which means that we could have 13 members playing ! – 12 would be fine.

Shand Harvey competition at 12.30pm on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th February

This Province competition requires us to field to separate teams. Please let me know if you would like to play and if so on what date. Only 1 has confirmed to date , we need 7 more.

McLeod Cup Bonspiel – 2 sheets at 8.30pm on Monday 20th February

Please let me know if you would like to play. We still have 13 places available.

I look forward to receiving your emails .

  • Billy Ferrie, Secretary

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